WHY "Closed Borders" in 2024
Greetings and salutations on a beautiful day above ground, dear Reader, and welcome. I asked Google how many deaths from fentanyl have occurred, here in the United States, since 2015 to the present day; of course (due to deliberate obfuscation of genuine results) Google would only give me about a year at a time, save one study. Full disclosure, I spent just a few minutes on the Google-search. Anyway.
So, let's see: how many will Google admit to, I wonder?
(Up 3,600 in one year)...
(If you want to know the statistics for years 2002 - 2022 , click here)I didn't find any better numbers than those (linked, above) but that's because I'm still using Google, even with the knowledge that they are biased and hard-core leftist communists from Hell.
Anyway, even with their so-called "statistics" (which have been heavily manipulated to minimize reality) this is one of many crises that is a direct result of open borders, borders which are open one-hundred percent, irrefutably, and without question because of the Biden-Harris regime. It cannot be denied, even to the stupid, as everyone (at least, everyone here in the US) already knows that what I just said is a bonafide, undeniable fact*.
In addition to the tens of millions of largely dangerous criminals who have flooded American soil for nefarious purposes against America and us, the People, human beings are dying due to accidental fentanyl poisoning. This bootleg, haphazard handling of a very dangerous, highly-controlled surgical drug has caused I absolutely know more than 300,000 people in America to die (and that's a very conservative estimate on my part).
The dangerously deadly nature of this surgical medication is found in the fact that in many (if not most) cases, the person only has to consume one single pill to prevent them from ever waking up again.
If the American Fentanyl Crisis was the one and only reason to truly secure (close and enforce said closure!) of our nation's borders, that should, by God, be reason enough! We are talking about human lives here.Now, LOOK! We have legal pathways into this country, so by all means, my brothers and sisters in the world, please DO come to America! But please, we beg of you, to please do it legally (because that protects us all).
And, should we the People find that the immigration process needs updating/tweaking/perfecting, et cetera, then we certainly can and definitely should have those conversations. I implore you to reason with me for a minute and hear me when I say that open borders have resulted in numerous problems for humanity, far from the very least of which is the horrific evil we call human trafficking.
LOOK. The US Government admits to "losing" more than 300,000 innocent migrant children!
So, isn't THAT reason enough to close our borders?
For the BABIES?
Then there are the untold human beings who died due to the journey itself in their attempts to reach the United States through various obstacles and treacherous, unpredictable conditions. May God see every single one of them and bring each one to His peace (Amen).
For these reasons and MORE
I have to support closed borders,
legal immigration, but it's not just for those of us already here in America - we need these things for the benefit and safety of
ALL of the humans. 🗺 May God put
Donald John Trump BACK in the White House this November so we can end this carnage and restore the law and order which keeps society a civil one.
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