Most recently I noticed that our neighbor, a sex-obsessed, perverted Democrat
LIAR from hell, unfriended me. 😎 Good riddance to that filth - he
tried to orchestrate a scenario where I believed
him over my husband but (because that moron idiot is so profoundly stupid and wholly transparent) I saw through it immediately (it blew up in his hideous, unintelligent, lying un-American face). 👍 It's okay, I'm sure he'll just find some other international supermodel to marry (yes, he really tried to make us believe that and no, he's not fifteen years old if you can believe it) 😡 😂
Anyway, now that I've said my piece about the whole thing, I'll
never think about him again; it's as though he's
already dead to me. Good times.
I wish there was a already law here in the US that prevented stupid people from voting; if we did that, there'd
never be another Democrat in office, I guarantee it.
"Here is your Voter's IQ test" (fails test)"Sorry, but you are too stupid to vote" 😄
LOL - click that link "too stupid to vote" and you'll see that the idea is not original to me, not by any means. That's hilarious (but, it's also sad at the same time). The great dumbing down campaign of all the people in the world has worked and the globalists have achieved their aims: there are now more of them than there are of us.
I might as well go make some coffee. Thanks again for stopping by, dear Reader, and remember:
Don't vote Democrat - VOTE AMERICAN.
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