Penny Blood Update is up and we still have no word on a publisher. Enlight of this Machida and the others are not giving up but instead are going back to plan be and that is to make the IP more enticing. If you are confused let me explain.
Early in this year the developers were talking making the Penny Blood IP more interesting to developers. We didn’t know how they would do that before. Now we know it is through character and stories. Something they do excel at.
The character in Shadow Hearts are unique to them. It is why sometimes it is hard to describe them. I mean we usually just say Yuri is yuri being a lovely super powerful main with comical flaws. Meanwhile there are very even fewer words to describe Joachim other than he is just him.
That said this will not be another game but something else. To me it sounds like the stories they did during the kick starter phase for the game. If you are unclear about that we got stories from the developer and there translators from the world of Penny Blood such as the back story of the Axe Man and Vito and how he fell out with hellhounders. But we will see. If you want to read them I will put the site page for it below they will be titled Penny Blood side stories.
We also got a an update from Hirota as he touches on the concert once more. He spoke about how Furukawa the hellbound director. Hirota also speaks to the game for helbound the last scene music for the main game he speaks of putting the experiment he has been doing with Hellbound music and putting the success hits in the game.
I know we are still all wanting them to find a publisher. They are too. As I have stated before if they haven’t given up then we shouldn’t either. Maybe them mentioning Shadow Hearts when talking about Penny Blood wil bring more attention as well as these stories. Lets hope and see. The links to the update, discord and the main site will below as well as the original and English versions of the update.
That said I am not too sure who this image of the guy is. Maybe we will learn that with one of these stories.
PENNY BLOOD Project Diary
Good evening, everyone. How are you enjoying these long autumn nights? Recently, it’s been getting very cold in the mornings and evenings. Now then, let’s begin this month’s Penny Blood project update.
There are only two months left in the year, which means two years have passed since the double kickstarter campaign. Unfortunately, we still have not found a publisher for Penny Blood. However, we at Studio Wild Rose have not lost hope, and continue to work on various content through which we can bring the characters and world of Penny Blood to life.
One is a project in which new stories will be created, bringing in new characters while still inheriting the world and settings that have been passed on from Shadow Hearts to Penny Blood. We excel in creating charming characters, worlds and settings and putting them into exciting stories, so while this won’t be another game, we hope to deliver it to you all as a different type of entertainment. I’m planning to reveal information on this across the end of this year, so please look forward to it.
I also want to give another heartfelt thanks to the backers all over the world who have supported us, the fans from long ago who continue to support us, and all the moderators who have been doing their best to keep the project alive.
Please continue to keep watch over Penny Blood.
See you all next month.
Matsuzo Machida
Message from Hirota-san
Hello, everyone. I feel like I have been writing here for a long time now about how hot and humid it’s been, but now we’re finally in autumn… or rather, we’ve gone past that and jumped straight into winter. Until just the other day, it was still about 30 C in my studio without A/C due to the heat from my equipment, but now it’s gone down to 27 C without A/C – much cooler and more comfortable.
After Furukawa-san, director of Penny Blood: Hellbound, was kind enough to come to my concert in September and tell me that we still had some sound work left to do, I started working on songs and sound effects for the last scene. I finished one song and some sound effects, and now I’m working on another song for the “real” last scene. I plan to finish it up at the start of next week.
I’ve also been working on the final sound adjustments in tandem, so I’m in the true “last spurt” now. Once I’m done with all this, I’ll start preparing a soundtrack CD and streaming options to present to you all.
As for the main game, all I can work on is sound-related things, but I’ll do everything I can to move things ahead in that regard. I was able to experiment and try a lot of new things with Penny Blood: Hellbound, and I plan to make use of everything I’ve learned, so I hope you’re all looking forward to it.
See you next time!
『PENNY BLOOD』プロジェクト日記
それでは、PENNY BLOOD プロジェクトの進捗について報告させていただきます。
今年も残すところ2か月となりダブルキックスターターキャンペーンから二年が経ちましたが、残念ながらPENNY BLOOD のパブリッシャーは今も見つかっていないというのが現状です。しかし、私たちスタジオワイルドローズは希望を失うことなく、PENNY BLOOD のキャラクターや世界観を生かすために様々なコンテンツ製作に取り組んでいます。
引き続き、PENNY BLOOD を見守っていただけますよう、よろしくお願いいたします。
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