Misinformation? Some thoughts
Hello there! I'm not going to waste any of your time here, except to open this topic with a meme (of several) that I just found about this very subject.
Here you go (you're welcome):
So, you can see that even in jest, there's the implication if someone lies to you with their words they can harm you, concurrently intimating that people are somehow no longer intelligent enough to use their own brains to assess all that they see and/or hear to be true or false for themselves, although we are each sentient, independent, free adult Americans. We have managed to survive these last 250 years without the 'threat' of 'dangerous misinformation' - so what exactly has changed? Why, all of the sudden NOW, are free thinking and free speech designated as 'threats'?
Sounds pretty damn COMMUNIST to me!
The ONLY people who are 'threatened' by so-called 'disinformation' are those whose bad actions (anything from simple ignorance to incompetence to flagrant, bonafide wickedness) stand to be exposed for what they are by said (and here I must use quotes) "disinformation" (or "misinformation", it doesn't really matter which you use, they're both heads from the same insidious free-speech murdering hydra known as CENSORSHIP, but I'm getting ahead of myself here).
😂 - I couldn't resist this one!
Look, there ARE things that are illegal to say:
"Hey, I'm going to KILL (harm, etc) you" as one example (and here I hesitate to produce any additional examples, feeling that one will suffice AND I do not want to use truly illegal speech - that, I get. And it does make sense).
But by throwing around the terms (misinformation/disinformation/ deep fake/ cheap fake, ALL of that new and profoundly ludicrous crap) what the Communists/Globalists are doing is TRYING to sell you a bridge in California, man, and I'm here to tell you: it AIN'T for sale, man! COME ON, folks, use your brains here!
Now is the time for deliberate, critical cognition!
HERE is how it's supposed to work in a FREE country:
Other than truly ILLEGAL speech, we Americans all get to say what we WANT to say. PERIOD. And the other American adults get to use THEIR OWN BRAINS to form an opinion about what they've heard, good or bad, and what each person chooses to believe is his and her DAMNED RIGHT with ZERO place for anyone else, including Big Brother, to speak to! PERIOD.
And if YOU don't like it, then you will have to either come and arrest me or KILL me because I WILL believe what resonates as truth with me and there's not a damn thing ANYONE can do about it.
I hope and pray, dear fellow American that YOU will do the same.
Now, this next/final image is NOT a meme, but a declaration of fact - of my personal conviction TO the death if need be. DO take it quite literally.
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