Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
I wish you and yours the merriest of Christmases and the happiest New Year!
Thanks for your support and friendship.
Be happy with the blessings you have received.
Be a loving parent, husband, wife, son, daughter. Your family is everything in this world that's important.
Let yourself laugh. There is plenty in this world to be serious about, but there is also a lot of just plain silly stuff to chuckle about. It's OK to laugh. It's OK to make fun of yourself; we are all a little wacky in some way.
Be that neighbor that just helps; he/she doesn't care why someone needs help, just that it's right to help.
Be aware of the world. To live in ignorance is not living, it's just existing. Do what you can to make the world better. Donate to the charity that moves you. Volunteer if you can, when you can.
Be social. There are lots of ways to be an active member of your community. Join a book club. Join a Game Night group. Go the library and ask about reading volunteers.
Be active, mentally and physically. Learn something new this next year. Always wanted to learn Japanese? Now is a great time for that. Paint. Play the piano, guitar, harmonica, whatever. Get a few geezers together and form a band. No one cares how bad you sound. Just have some fun with it. Join a walking group or Tai Chi club. Get up, get out and get happy.
Most of all, Be Cool, my friends.
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