We have some video game news as Communication Workers of America (CWA) is calling out Sony. This is in reaction to the concord developer studios Firewalk and mobile studio Neon Koi being shut down.  The reason for this according to CWA is that Sony is trying to snuff out competition.

“Sony’s decision to dissolve studios outside their walled-garden of PlayStation-exclusive content, rather than making games that have to compete in the highly diverse and competitive mobile game market, should be a cautionary warning sign of Sony’s interests in furthering their monopoly position in the video game industry.” CWA

If you are confused by this I will try to explain. Try as many are doing there best to make sense of this. The main thing is CWA is accusing Sony of making things unsafe and unstable for videogame developers. At least that is what some getting out of this.

Most articles name Firewalker who were the developers behind Concord as one of the examples. The game was pulled but many thought it would get a 2nd chance. An opportunity it seems they will not have now with the studio gone. The things is concord has had a long complicated development and as such might not be the example of big companies burning studios to keep control.

CWA plans to fight so this doesn’t happen. “CWA plans to raise the anti-competitive impacts of Sony’s increasing monopoly and monopsony power with the appropriate antitrust regulators, policymakers, and stakeholders.”

I am still trying to full understand this myself. The argument hinging on Sony doing this to keep control of the monopoly CWA speaks off doesn’t make sense to me. Yet the argument for unionizing that CWA is trying to get the industry to do more of might be needed given how were hearing about so many close this past year with only some getting last minute saves.

If I hear more about this I will let you know.

Article: https://www.pushsquare.com/news/2024/11/labour-union-blasts-sony-for-looking-to-further-monopoly-with-studio-closures


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