So much unrest in our world today! So much talk about people having a RIGHT to freedom of speech...even to disrespect our Country and what we STAND for...the things that were once recognized by our country as moral and sacred...the things that our Country upholds because God and His Word say so. When they are aborted, cursed, rejected, denied, protested against...even publicly disgracing the American Flag and National Anthem all because of hatred and rebellion, how can this be for the good of a people, a country, a nation? How can this be about Freedom?
Some people are on a Campaign to destroy all Freedom because they want the right to destroy those who uphold Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. When the Lion comes to live in your home, he is there for one reason, to eat your family. Do we allow that because "everyone," even lawbreakers should have free speech and act out however they desire? When this is regarded as acceptable, the Enemy wins. We lose!
Tolerance of All actions becomes a prison for the people of a nation. Where is Freedom in that? Don't allow every thought and every campaign to win you over. Don't be a friend to the enemy! His character is to destroy you! Know your enemy! Know those who stir up strife and bitterness. Know those who call good evil and evil good. Know those who do not respect life, born or unborn. Know those who leave God out of the equation and expect you to do the same. Know those who have come to steal, kill, and destroy! THEY ARE THE ENEMY...WE MUST NOT GIVE RIGHTS TO THE ENEMY...Know The Enemy!
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