“[W]e may so pass through things temporal, that we lose not the things eternal.” Passing through the temporal, we are fed, and filled, and through faith can grow and be transformed by a crumb of bread and a sip of wine.

The huddled mass on the shore of Lake Galilee had a temporary problem, hunger. They had left the secure lives of their homes to be near Jesus for healing and comfort. Healing was probably their main objective, but they had lingered for the Messiah’s words. How they were fed was miraculous to the Twelve, and to us 2000 years later, but the obvious must be recognized, the people were hungry, and Jesus fed them. How much they received is unknown, but they were filled. The Bread of Life is both temporal and eternal. There are connections among the teaching, the miraculous, and the Eucharist. There is no distinction between the material and the Divine, they are one. St. Paul reminds us to examine ourselves before coming to Supper, “…the power at work within us is able to accomplish abundantly far more than all we can ask or imagine…”

Our daily table must be a leaf of His Holy Table. If we take in stride what is laid before us in His name, and for His purpose, then it will be sufficient. Sufficient for us and sufficient to share with those in need. Are we satisfied in the temporal world, simply wanting an eternal exposure, or are we in the world but not of the world? Trying to separate the whole person into the temporal and the eternal may result in losing connections to both. From the rough tree of the cross, we take root and become the new temporal shoots of the eternal. Jesus said that if lifted up he would draw all persons to himself, but he didn’t forget to feed them, nor should we. Our time in the temporal may be best spent feeding his sheep, that filled they may see more clearly that their true bread is Jesus.

“Wherefore, O Lord and heavenly Father, according to the institution of thy dearly beloved Son our Savior Jesus Christ, we, thy humble servants, do celebrate and make here before thy divine Majesty, with these thy holy gifts, which we now offer unto thee, the memorial thy Son hath commanded us to make; having in remembrance his blessed passion and precious death, his mighty resurrection and glorious ascension; rendering unto thee most hearty thanks for the innumerable benefits procured unto us by the same.”

