Devil May Cry is getting animated by the people responsible for the Netflix Castlvania anime. But it seems that isn’t the only Capcaom franchise they wanted to do. Adi Shakar who is the producer of Devil May Cry anime spoke about how he once pitched doing a Dino Crisis anime. The idea was to bring back Dino Crisis the anime success but it somehow lead to DMC getting a new anime.

“1. Dino Crisis 1 nailed the survival horror vibe, blending the tension of Resident Evil with the sheer terror of being hunted by dinosaurs—perfect.
2. Dino Crisis 2 took it up a notch with fast-paced action & incredible level design.
3. Sadly, Dino Crisis 3 lost that magic—it took the franchise off Earth, but left behind the suspense. Why am I telling you this? Because when I first went to Capcom in 2017, my mission was clear: I wanted to bring Dino Crisis back. But in an awesome twist of fate, they sold me Devil May Cry instead! I didn’t think DMC would even be on the table.”

While I am pretty Sure Shakar team would be able to handle dino crisis I am glad he is doing a Devil May Cry. The original devil may while introducing us to Morison and Patty we also got an anime in my mind didn’t do the action to well and we didn’t even get to see devil trigger till the end and it was nothing more than a quick flash. As such I am hoping this Netflix series does Dante and his crew some justice.


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