Isaiah 59:7, “Their feet rush into sin; they are swift to shed innocent blood. They pursue evil schemes; acts of violence mark their ways. 8 The way of peace they do not know; there is no justice in their paths. They have turned them into crooked roads; no one who walks along them will know peace.”
Our hearts continue to be burdened by the suffering of innocent souls. Innocent souls who are suffering unimaginable horrors and death at the hands of vicious, wicked people. My heart cries out to God for Divine intervention and deliverance for these precious treasures!
I know it is very hard to comprehend what others are going through unless we are in the same situation. I can hear, in the distance, the cries of the children and the parents who have seen their homes destroyed, the ones who lost every single thing they owned. I can see the heartbreak in my mind of the families who had to leave their homes because of the fires or floods, bombs, or enemies. But in no way can I experience the utter hopelessness that they are feeling. I cannot know the anguish of the parents who saw their children killed by people who get enjoyment from killing the innocent, the Christians, the Jews. I could not know unless I was standing in their shoes.
God please send a strong revelation upon YOUR people to cry out against the shedding of innocent blood today. Just because you and I are not in the middle of severe storms, calamity, disaster, revolution, upheaval, war or killing does not mean it cannot come near to where we are, to our neighborhood. We are not exempt from what is coming on this earth because of sin.
Daniel says, "It shall be for the time appointed." When will it come to us? We do not know. God help us to be mindful of the suffering and the dying in our world. God, give us your compassion for intercession! This is so important, to love others and pray for them in their sufferings.
Will you join with us and cry out to God against the shedding of innocent blood. Just as the righteous blood of Able cried out from the very ground covering him, I pray that the shed blood of the innocent will proclaim to Almighty God of heaven and earth, “How long will this continue?” My soul is screaming, “God have mercy on us all.” I pray that the prayers of the saints will bombard heaven bringing Divine intervention! May God bless you for praying!
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