第一章The Veil小摘要, more precisely. I can’t read that, I’m afraid, even though I’m convinced that the most interesting problem currently facing philosophy of mathematics is to clarify how or whether Chinese and European mathematics differ and how or whether these differences reflect differences in the respective metaphysical traditions. One of the peculiarities of my own education is that I was exposed to classical Chinese philosophy (in translation!) before I read any of the canonical texts of European philosophy, so perhaps when I did come to the latter my philosophical bearings were already slightly askew.
Anyway, I was pleased to see that a summary — a “little summary,” as my recent Ph.D. student Lin Jie tells me the more precise title should be translated — has appeared on the website of a Chinese bookseller. Here it is.
史学家Jeremy Gray认为职业自治(professional autonomy)是数学线代主义的标志。前现代的数学家的想象受限于数学-哲学和数学-科学之间的关系。在Gray看来,没有职业自治性,数学的现代转向就不会发生。现代主义之成为主流,是因为它恰当表述了数学家所在的新处境:数学被吸纳到现代研究型大学的结构(从而形成职业数学家的国际群体),数学的目标和主题的新形式得以形成。
如果本书是关于什么的话,那么本书是关于过一种数学家的双重人生是何种感觉:一方面数学家在这种职业自治之中的生活,只需要向同事负责;另一个是更广阔的世界中的生活。要解释数学家到底做什么是一件很难的事情,正如David Mumford所说的:“作为一个职业数学家,我已经习惯于生活在一种真空之中,这种真空的周围是那些以对数学一无所知而自豪的人。”这种困难使得后面的问题不被问出来:什么是数学家的目标?为什么要做数学?
本书并不追求得出定论,而是如 Herbert Mehrtens所说的,以“如何做数学”来说明“数学是什么”
The site book.douban.com also cites this passage from the Preface to MWA, which specifically refers to the cross-cultural comparative study of mathematics.
One of the most exciting trends in history of mathematics is the comparative study across cultures, especially between European (and Near Eastern) mathematics and the mathematics of East Asia. These studies, which are occasionally (too rarely) accompanied by no less exciting comparative philosophy, is necessarily cautious and painstaking, because its authors are trying to establish a reliable basis for future comparisons.
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