Another day on the patio lost in the works of a fine author, Pete Carter
Another day on the patio lost in the works of a fine author, Pete Carter
Curse you, Pete Carter! ;-)
I just spent another fine Texas afternoon, turning pages in his latest thriller, 'The Legacy Trust'.
It took me two blond and sweet mugs of hot coffee, a breakfast plate of over-easy eggs, bacon and toast and assorted snacks to finish. OK, fine, I also had an ice cold Fat Tire, LATE in the afternoon. (around 12:07 I think ;-)
Pete's a favorite author I found while Tweeting, blogging and making a nuisance of myself in the CyberSphere. We've traded reviews, talked about writing and most of all had a lot of fun throwing ideas around.
Pete and I both enjoy writing AI characters. Try his 'The Fence' for a great example. It's pretty cool how his AI character, 'Jay', and mine ,'PIP,' grow from tiny little sparks of imagination to full blow viable characters. Fun.
In this adventure though, Pete shows his expertise with a different plot angle. Time Travel. And again, Pete, does not use that old saw as a crutch but rather as a tool to pull you along in the story. And, as in all of his works, Pete, gives you great characters, who can stand on their own.
I was rooting for Andrew Knight from the get go. As the story unfolded, I was cringing when he screwed up and cheering when he figured something out. There is a lot of cringing, BTW.
This is a page turner.
It's a damn fun story.
Thanks again, Pete!
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